How to Use Voice Search to Speak to Consumers

In the past few years, artificial intelligence has grown to become a part of most consumers’ daily lives. Smart speakers, like Amazon’s Echo, gained popularity due to its cloud-based voice feature, Alexa. The service encompasses a variety of skills and tools to benefit its users – from voice search queries to news streaming. Tools like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home have evolved its user experience by helping ease its consumer’s daily tasks like creating reminders and shopping lists.

With AI tools transforming the digital marketing space, CPG brands are taking note of this trend and implementing these strategies into their advertising and marketing campaigns. In 2019, up to 43% of users that owned voice-enabled devices stated they use that device to shop and of those owners, 51% confirmed they use voice search to find and research products.

Organic Presence

To have an advantage with voice search results, make sure you are organically ranking on popular search engines like Google. The better optimized your website is, the more likely you will be found not only on online searches, but voice too.

Most iPhone mobile users will use Siri to answer questions so consider that when looking at your organic placement. For example, if you are a dairy-free milk brand, look to see what your ranking placement is for “what are the best dairy-free milks?” Try to add more questions and buzz words throughout the content of your website to help.

To fully take advantage of voice search opportunities, conduct research to determine what tools your audience is regularly using. Currently, Amazon is dominating the voice search market but Google is close behind. Both devices use different search engines for their voice search – Amazon uses Bing and Google uses its own engine so make sure to monitor rankings on both.

Establish Programs with Device Brands

Alexa is most commonly known for its skills and has an open opportunity for CPG brands to help expand its capabilities within the food and beverage industry. Currently, Alexa is only using 7% of its skills towards this industry allowing plenty of room for growth and marketing for your brand. One of its skills includes MySomm Alexa which allows its voice searches to learn more about which wines pair well with various foods.

As smart appliances are emerging, AI technology, like Alexa, is now being included in those appliances to help families find recipes and easily order groceries. This is another route to getting your product into consumers’ hands.

According to Google research, this year 30% of searches will be screenless and they are capitalizing on this trend by introducing Google Assistant and Google Home. Google Assistant is another tool many consumers are using for their everyday tasks, from getting the weather to dinner recipes. The most convenient part is consumers can have the tool on any and all their devices from their phones to cars.


Customer convenience has always been a top priority for CPG companies and with AI technology continuing to evolve, brands are becoming more and more accommodating to the shopper’s needs. Get familiar with the latest innovations and learn how to incorporate your business objectives into these convenient platforms.

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